
In my teaching, I work with my students to build both academic and professional skills. I focus on rigorous writing and oral communications skills, research capacity and real-world solutions-driven activities to foster confident and adept individuals and team members. I work with students at undergraduate and graduate levels.

School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa

Negotiation, Collaboration and Private-Public Partnerships (PAP 4320)
Theoretically and empirically engaging with historical and contemporary facets of public, private and philanthropic partnerships across global public service provisioning

Theory of Public Organisations (PAP 3370)
Understanding the theories and material constraints shaping how public organizations engage in policy.

Department of Political Science, University of Victoria

International Political Economy and Environment (POLI 4/551)
Mixed Undergraduate/Graduate Seminar
Theoretically and empirically engaging with how global environmental and climate change governance are highly politicized and contested political and economic arenas.

International Political Economy (POLI 344)
Understanding how global order is informed by political issues that are simultaneously economic and economic issues that are simultaneously political.

Departments of Political Studies & Global Development Studies, Queen’s University

Urban Political Ecology Across the Global North-South Divide (DEVS 492)
Theoretically and empirically engaging with the manner in which cities reflect, reinforce, contest, and interact with the global political economy, the environment, socio-economic inequalities, and rural-urban divides

Department of Political Studies, Queen’s University
Climate Change and Global Politics: Questions and Challenges (POLS 405)

Theoretically and empirically engaging with how global climate governance is politicized and polarized in the Trump era, 2016-2020.
